"Don't be afraid of perfection- you can never reach it" Salvador Dali

sâmbătă, 28 martie 2009

Earth Hour

Today is the day.

The day when you can do something for our planet. The day that can change our future.

Once in a year.

One day.

One hour.






TOKty #2

After a comment by Chrismilla, I decided to answer to her...
ChriSmilla spunea...
and yet some universities value personal background over the academic achievements in some cases... Should they do that?"
In a way it is ok that there are universities that think of giving a chance to the ones which have/had a not so happy background...
Let's put it like this: if student 1 from TOKty had bigger grades with a great background and student 2 had almost the same garde as him with a sad background(being abandoned by parents in childhood because he was HIV positive). Imagine what grades would student 2 had had if he had the opportunities that student 1 had. Big huh?
So the conclusion is that it is good that there are universities that apreciate hard working students with big grades and thanks god, there are universities that think outside the box too.

marți, 24 martie 2009


I can't belive it....I just wrote a whole article about my tok discussion about judging people and making decisions based on the background of the person.
I had to choose a student: one with a rich background and big grades and the second one which had a unfortunate childhood being abandoned by parents because he/she was HIV positive and he had grades almost as big as student 1.
I chose student one because justice is blind and we are supposed to judge by merits.
Beside all of this I gave example teste don my skin. I remembered that a few months ago I was supposed to give a test and that in the night before the test when I was supposed tu study, I had a fight with my parents and could not study and the next day I had a bad score.
Who care that I had a problem? You? The eacher? The IB examiner? NO, no one!
sorry dear student number 2 but justice is blind and so am I, life is a game and a jungle, we have to fight to reach our goals.

duminică, 15 martie 2009


This fragrance is the place where all my fragrances are written. it is the place where I just write and don't care if you love me or hate me.
It is the place where I spread my veins and show every road to my character.
My character?
How do you define it?
Character, a word built out of 8 letters and starting with C.
Odd, isn't it?
I was in the bathroom and I was preparing to take a shower and suddenly, while singing something I forgot what, those lyrics came in my mind...not sure if they are lyrics, all I know I kept on singing it.
"And I left in you, What you left in me,
And I left in us, What..." suddenly it stopped and I got stuck.
All I know is that in my mind it sounded good.
If you have the ending of my line or further, please post a comment.

joi, 12 martie 2009

Jumpin' Up with the NOR PAR!

Everyone that knows me surelly knows one of my big weanesses....eurovision..and that's because my country participates, Armenia.
This year, we chose a song that combines our traditional instruments with a catchy and modern beat. Inga & Anush Arshakyan are two armenian sister, as you can hear in the song "sister give ur hand" and they sing armenian traditional music in general. Compared to the other entries of Armenia, this song represents the armenian spirit and traditional instruments, such as: Zurna and Dhol, that is played the way Armenians do. The song is called Nor Par which in armenian means nor=new and par=dance...New Dance. Hope you enjoy it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3mzzWCmPiU&feature=email


what is pride?
I surelly don't know the 100% meaning of it but I know the oposite of pride. Sadly a big part of the population nowadays doesn't know. how sad. sad isn't it? what can u do? what can I do? well u know what? as my granny says: A red cow won't ever change her skin. hope u got it cz I transalted it from armenian. ohhh and there's another one she says: they spit on your face and all u wonder is if it rains. how sad. isn't it? while I write this, you read and wonder what the heack is this retard sain'. ohhh who cares, u wont ever change ur skin, even if it rains.

here's a deffinition of pride:
a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.

duminică, 8 martie 2009

My dear ladies,

For all the ladies in the crib! May all ur wishes come true. I think this day is a very important one. Mothere's Day and Womens Day, 2 important things, women, the creatures that lighten up our day and mothers...oh our mothers, our dear mothers, the ones that gave us birth and the only persones who love us even if we suck....kinda stupid what I just said...whatever.....I think you all get it.
And for the ladies that are kinda sad on this special day and blam eit un us, men, I want to appologise in their name. Dond worry, everything 'll be fine. But plz dont label us all.
Hugs and Kissez! With love, Hrant

sâmbătă, 7 martie 2009

hehe I was talkin 2 mada and she gave em this link. enjoy http://www.dorinspoaller.ro/masina/


relax, every breath of yours is mine, you dive and enjoy.
can you feel my beat?
i feel yours.
is it you?
or me?

joi, 5 martie 2009

Dear readers, enjoy my game

If u had the opportunity to have special powers, what powers would u like to have?
I'll brake the ice and say that I would def. want to have powers related to nature....hmm...read minds and the third power I would have, is gonna be told by each of u in comments....soooo....
1. read what I wrote
2. tell 2 powers u would like to have, only 2
3. ur third powers is gonna be told by the one that comments after u...this is a chain.....plz respect it....
4. and dont forget to write my 3rd power...from ur point of view.....ENOY and hope interesting things will be told:))


hmm...what does fake mean? hmm I have my own way of defining things...It's when u see ur in shit and all u have left to do, is join the shit...that's what's wrong with you....well, ur kinda wrong....and you...its so fuuny that we all like climbing...we should be able to come back too...it's not what u say..i.t's what u do and how u do...don't expect to hide in the back of some expensive clothes for escape....nop...like the romanians say, which lately contradicts themselvs: nu haina'l face pe om....no shit...
just because we shut up and stare it dznt mean we agree...and if we dont speak it's because we have a brain..we think and talk...not talk and think...like my mom says: stop thinking with ur ass!
ur the kind of person that if has his/her mouth closed speaks with his/her ass...no difference(sorry 4 the bad langauage...oh yeah...Im not ashamed to say that I have respect) DO u?

luni, 2 martie 2009

for you.

All I ever did, I did it for you.
All I ever did is to see it in you.
All I ever said was not to harm you.
All I ever wanted is to hug you.
All I ever did is kiss you.
All u had to do is love me 2. (anonim0)